From Hotel Lobbies to Film Sets

Hey everyone, Safwan here! I thought I’d take a moment to share a bit of my journey with you all, a peek into the adventures and passions that make up my story.

Beginnings in Hospitality

Growing up, I was always fascinated by the world of hotels. The elegance, the service, the intricate dance of ensuring each guest feels at home – it was like watching a beautiful ballet unfold every day. With over two decades in the luxury hotel domain, I’ve lived and breathed every aspect of it. From those early days of learning the ropes to guiding teams at iconic hotel brands, every step has taught me something new. The beauty of hospitality is that it’s not just about a stay; it’s about creating memories.

Saudi Roots, Global Dreams

I wear my Saudi identity with pride. It’s a land of tradition, culture, and unyielding spirit. This very spirit drives me every day, pushing me to dream bigger and soar higher. Whether it’s in the world of hospitality or entertainment, my aim has always been to infuse a touch of Saudi soul into everything I do.

looking ahead

As I stand at this juncture, with the bustling world of hotels on one side and the creative realm of film on the other, I feel truly blessed. Life’s been a rollercoaster, filled with challenges and surprises. But it’s these very ups and downs that have shaped me.

So, here’s to more adventures, more stories, and more memories. And a huge shoutout to all of you for being a part of my journey. Stick around, and together, let’s see where the road takes us next! 🌟🎬🏨